Innovit Electric announced today that their UFCL-Limiter in 12kV, successfully passed the electrical tests at KEMA Laboratory of Prague on February 6, 2018. which further verify the high quality and high reliability of UFCL-limiter, also has laid a solid foundation to open the international market.
UFCL-limiter is the world’s fastest switching device with current limiting function, its designed is to detect and limit the prospective first peak of the short-circuit current in the very early stage of the first cycle. UFCL can be widely used in occasions where new generation and grid connection, system rebuilding and expansion, system interconnection lead to abnormally high short-circuit current, and sometimes it is even the most economical and only solution for short-circuit current limitation.
Under the jurisdiction of DNV GL Group, the largest independent energy expert and certification body in the world, KEMA Laboratories are the most famous electrical laboratories in the world. Currently, KEMA Laboratories have set up more than 50 branches and offices in 20 countries and has more than 1900 Employee. Dedicated to providing customers with reliable, sustainable and practical solutions and innovative technologies. For more information on KEMA, visit: www.dnvgl.com/kema
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